Testimonial with Dr. Noritaka Sekiya

Read our interview with Dr. Noritaka Sekiya, a physician for infectious diseases at the Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome Hospital in Japan. He’s working as a consultant in infectious diseases and infection prevention & control. Dr. Sekiya’s other expertise is field epidemiology. In this interview, he addresses the AMR situation in Japan and how using Global-PPS has been a part of tackling this problem.

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New interactive online reporting dashboard

The Global-PPS tool is continuously improved and expanded. Our newest addition is the interactive reporting dashboard, now available on the online Global-PPS data entry environment. This new feature is meant to replace the longitudinal feedback reports in the pdf-format, and will enable hospitals to customise their analyses.

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Global-PPS impact in Montenegro

Read our interview with Professor Gordana Mijovic and Doctor Ivana Djuković, expert members from the Montenegrin Global-PPS network. In this testimonial, they elaborate on the challenges and barriers in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the advantages of collaborating with Global-PPS, and the future perspectives of AMR reduction in Montenegro .

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New feature: the Outpatient Module

Global-PPS is launching a new addition to its web-based tool, namely the outpatient module. This new feature was developed following requests of several Global-PPS participants, as patient-level data from the outpatient setting are generally limited.

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Need for surveillance and stewardship actions – WHO fungal priority pathogens list

To strengthen the worldwide response to IFDs and antifungal resistance, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has developed a Fungal Priority Pathogens List (FPPL). Its aim is to focus and drive further research and policy interventions. This list was inspired by the Bacterial Priority Pathogens List that WHO published in 2017.

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WHO releases the AWaRe Antibiotic Book

On 9 December 2022, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published the WHO AWaRe (Access, Watch, Reserve) Antibiotic Book. It is a concise, evidence-based guide for choosing antibiotics, doses, routes of administration and duration of treatment for more than 30 of the most common clinical infections in children and adults, in both primary health care and hospital settings.

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Launch of drive-AMS

On the 1st of November 2022, Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc) and University of Antwerp joined forces to launch drive-AMS, a new project funded under the EU4Health Programme. This project aims to intensify antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programmes across the European Union by improving prudent antimicrobial use (AMU) and strengthening AMU surveillance, which are both key priorities of the EU One Health Action Plan on AMR.

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